Regulatory Agencies Information

The regulatory Agencies often referred to in regards to FMC’s ongoing environmental program in Middleport are currently the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Department of Health. The United States Environmental Protection Agency was an active participant under the previous Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) from 1991 to June 2019.

Contact Information

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Jason Stocklas
Division of Environmental Remediation
New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway, 12th Floor
Albany, New York 12233-7016
Phone: (518) 402-9806
Email: [email protected]

New York State Department of Health
Stephanie Selmer
Bureau of Environmental Exposure Investigation
Corning Tower, Room 1787
Albany, NY 12237
Phone: 518-402-7860
Email: [email protected]

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