OU9 – Former FMC R&D Facility
Operable Unit (OU) 9 covers FMC’s former Research and Development Facility and is located in the purple-colored area (bottom) in the map below:

The OU9 RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) report, Volume III, was completed and approved in 2014 pursuant to the 1991 AOC. A draft Corrective Measures Study (CMS) work plan was submitted pursuant to the 1991 AOC in August 2014. The property is currently being used by FMC and its contractors for staging for remediation activities associated with OUs 2/4/5.
Current Status
- Draft Corrective Measures Study (CMS) work plan is under review by NYSDEC. The property is currently being used by FMC and its contractors a staging area for remediation activities associated with OU2 and OU5.
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