OU1 - On-Site
Operable Unit (OU) 1 consists of the FMC Facility Soil, Sediment & Surface Water, excluding Eastern Parcel, OU11. It is located in the tan colored, lower middle area of the map below:

Previous OU1 work includes the Western Surface Impoundment (WSI) Hydrologic Evaluation, North Site Cover (NSC) Evaluation, vapor intrusion annual updates, and a draft RFI report submitted January 1999. Operations, Maintenance, & Monitoring (“OM&M”) plans for existing ICMs: NSC, North Railroad Phases 1 and 2 ICMs and WSI Operations Plan.
Current Status
- FMC submitted a revised WSI Operations Plan on November 1, 2019 pursuant to the new 2019 Order on Consent.
- Continue operations, maintenance, monitoring, and optimization of existing ICMs at the Facility.
- FMC is continuing construction of groundwater and surface water upgrades at the Facility, including installation of three new 600,000-gallon storage tanks and associated water transfer systems, an addition to the existing Water Treatment Plant (WTP), and other upgrades to the WTP.
- The 2019 Order on Consent includes future work that will evaluate and optimize, if needed, existing Facility ICMs.
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