OU10 – Groundwater
Operable Unit (OU) 10 represents FMC facility groundwater and associated off-site groundwater contamination and is located in the tan-colored area (bottom) in the map below:

Groundwater is monitored, collected, and treated as per the Western Surface Impoundment (WSI) Operations Plan, North Site Cover (NSC) Operations, Maintenance, & Monitoring (OMM) Plan, Groundwater Extraction System OMM Plan, a Groundwater Monitoring Program, and a November 9, 2007 letter regarding ammonia sampling pursuant to the 1991 Administrative Order on Consent (AOC). As required by the Order, FMC submitted an Interim Corrective Measure (ICM) plan to optimize certain shallow bedrock groundwater extraction systems at the Facility.
Current Status
- Continue OMM of the groundwater ICMs
- FMC will implement the ICMs for optimizing shallow bedrock groundwater extraction systems at the Facility upon NYSDEC approval.
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