OU6 – Tributary One South
Operable Unit (OU) 6 consists of Tributary One and Flood Plain, south of Pearson Road and is identified in the yellow-colored area in the right/middle of the map below:

RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Report Volume V for OU6 was public noticed and approved by the Regulatory Agencies in 2010 pursuant to the 1991 AOC. A draft Corrective Measures Study (CMS), dated November 2017, was submitted pursuant to the 1991 AOC, with NYSDEC comments provided on February 1, 2018.
Current Status
- FMC revised the draft CMS report in 2019 and re-submitted in December 2019. FMC will respond to any NYSDEC comments on the draft report, make revisions to the report if needed, and participate in the public review/comment process for the draft Corrective Measures Study (CMS)/draft Statement of Basis and issuance of the final Statement of Basis (SB).
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