FMC has submitted and received approval on the OU6 Reach T1 BC-Block Supplemental Sampling Work Plan, which was submitted in accordance with the recently signed Order on Consent and Administrative Settlement. Click here to view the Work Plan.
The Order stipulates that FMC will collect additional soil samples at Properties BC7 through BC10 (four residential properties) within Reach T1 (i.e., south of the Erie Canal) of the off-site study area identified as Tributary One and Flood Plain South of Pearson/Stone Roads Study Area (OU6). Reach T1 consists of the first approximately 1,600 stream feet of Tributary One (to Jeddo Creek) and associated flood plain downstream of FMC Middleport Plant’s historical (pre-1977) discharge outfall to Tributary One. Stream sediment and flood plain soil were evaluated for constituents historically manufactured, formulated, handled, and/or used at FMC’s Middleport plant.
The purpose of the OU6 Reach R1 BC-Block Supplemental Sampling Work Plan is to further evaluate soil arsenic concentrations within these properties and thereby determine whether it is appropriate to include these properties (or portions thereof) in the Corrective Measures Study (CMS).