FMC Corporation has received approval from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), in consultation with the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), for field implementation of the Pre-Design Investigation Work Plan for the “Culvert 105 Study Area North of the Erie Canal” that includes portions of the Village of Middleport.
The study area is also referred to as “Operable Unit 5” or “OU5.” There are 27 properties identified in OU5, with 12 having been issued no further action letters by the regulatory agencies prior to 2019.
Culvert 105 is a combination of buried pipe and open ditch sections that together extend approximately 6,600 feet (1.25 miles) in length. Culvert 105 originates north of the FMC Facility and adjoining railroad tracks. Stormwater flows to the north in Culvert 105, passing through residential properties, under the Erie Canal, and ultimately discharging to Tributary One of Jeddo Creek just north of the Village of Middleport wastewater treatment plant.
The purpose of the Pre-Design Investigation Work Plan (PDI Work Plan) is to collect PDI data and information to support preparation of a Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI) work plan, including a remedial design for this specific portion of OU5. Letters requesting access permission were sent to involved property owners in April 2020. Given the potential concerns and work limitations associated with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the timing of soil sampling and field activities has not been determined; however, work may potentially begin in late May 2020. FMC and its environmental consultants will follow all applicable COVID-19 work precautions, restrictions, and recommendations in the anticipated completion of any work.
The additional data and information collection work includes:
- Surveying, including verification and update of existing surface elevations and other property features (as needed) and marking of proposed sampling locations;
- Inspection of the condition of Culvert 105 buried pipe sections; and,
- Soil sampling and analyses for further delineation of the horizontal and vertical extent of arsenic to support development of excavation and restoration design drawings, as well as to provide excavation documentation samples.
As part of the Work Plan implementation, approximately 1,800 soil samples are proposed for collection to refine necessary information. FMC will be contacting property owners in the study area regarding access agreements and representatives are available to answer questions about the Work Plan and the access agreements by telephone at (716) 735-9769.
The Work Plan is available for public review on the FMC-Middleport website. Once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, the Work Plan will also be available for review at FMC’s Community Office in Middleport and in the document repository at the Royalton Hartland Community Library, 9 S. Vernon St., Middleport. Please click here to see the Pre-Design Investigation Work Plan for the “Culvert 105 Study Area North of the Erie Canal.”